Lucille A. Giannuzzi, Ph.D.
President, EXpressLO LLC and Regional Sales Manager for TESCAN USA
Lucille A. Giannuzzi holds a B.E. in Engineering Science and M.S. in Materials Science and Engineering from Stony Brook University. She received her Ph.D. from Penn State in Metals Science and Engineering and was a Post-Doc at the PSU Center for Advanced Materials. Prof. Giannuzzi was at the University of Central Florida for ten years where she was a recipient of an NSF CAREER award. She joined FEI Company as a product marketing engineer for seven years before founding her own consulting and product companies. She is also regional sales manager for TESCAN USA.
Dr. Giannuzzi has applied focused ion beam and electron microscopy techniques to study the structure/property relationships in metals, alloys, ceramics, composites, polymers, minerals, bone/dental implants, irradiated, inorganic, and biological materials.
She maintains professional affiliations in AVS, ACerS, ASM Intl., TMS, MRS, MSA, and MAS and is a Fellow of AVS, MSA, and MAS. Dr. Giannuzzi has over 150 (co)authored publications; several FIB-related patents, contributed to several invited book chapters, and is co-editor of a book entitled “Introduction to Focused Ion Beams.”