The American Ceramic Society (ACerS) will be recognizing the accomplishments of five MatSE faculty members. They will be delivering special lectures or receiving awards during MS&T20 conference, which will be held virtually Nov. 2-6.

ACerS Frontiers of Science and Society—Rustum Roy Lecture
James Adair, professor of materials science and engineering, biomedical engineering, and pharmacology, will deliver the ACerS Frontiers of Science and Society Rustum Roy Lecture.
This annual lecture honors the late Penn State Professor Rustum Roy and recognizes his contributions to science and technology and their interrelationship to society at large. The lecture is given each year by an internationally or nationally recognized individual in the area of science, industry, or government.
ACerS/Education and Professional Development Council Arthur L. Friedberg Ceramic Engineering Tutorial and Lecture
John R. Hellmann, senior associate dean in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences and professor of materials science and engineering, will deliver the ACerS/Education and Professional Development Council Arthur L. Friedberg Ceramic Engineering Tutorial and Lecture, which honors the late Arthur L. Friedberg for his teaching, research, and numerous contributions to the ceramic engineering profession.
The lecture is intended to provide a tutorial that reviews and instructs in some area of ceramics with a distinct engineering flavor. The lecture is presented at a level accessible to all ceramists.

ACerS Richard M. Fulrath Award
Shashank Priya, professor of materials science and engineering, associate vice president for research and director of strategic initiatives in the Office of the Vice President for Research, will receive an ACerS Richard M. Fulrath Award.
The Fulrath Awards promote technical and personal friendships between professional Japanese and American ceramic engineers and scientists and encourage a greater understanding among the diverse cultures surrounding the Pacific Rim. The awards recognize individuals for their excellence in research and development of ceramic sciences and materials.
2020 Ross Coffin Purdy Award
Long-Qing Chen, Hamer Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, engineering science and mechanics, and mathematics, has been selected to receive the 2020 ACerS Ross Coffin Purdy Award.
The Purdy Award is given to the author or authors who, in the judgment of the committee, made the most valuable contribution to ceramic technical literature published two years prior to the selection year.

Society Fellow
Jon-Paul Maria, professor of materials science and engineering, has been named an ACerS Society Fellow. For an individual to qualify for elevation to the grade of Fellow by reason of outstanding contributions to the ceramic arts or sciences, through broad and productive scholarship in ceramic science and technology, by conspicuous achievement in ceramic industry or by outstanding service to the ACerS. Fellows are selected for outstanding contributions to the ceramic arts or sciences, broad and productive scholarship in ceramic science and technology, conspicuous achievement in ceramic industry, or by outstanding service to the society. Read more
Annual MS&T
The annual MS&T technical meeting and exhibition is the long-standing, recognized forum for fostering technical innovation at the intersection of materials science, engineering, and application. Each year, MS&T brings together scientists, engineers, students, suppliers, and business leaders to discuss current research and technical applications and to shape the future of materials science and technology.
To learn more about MS&T20, visit